Universe - Occupied housing units
Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates
Year - 2020
Complete plumbing facilities include: (a) hot and cold running water and (b) a bathtub or shower. Both facilities must be located inside the house, apartment, or mobile home, but not necessarily in the same room. Housing units are classified as lacking complete plumbing facilities when either of the two facilities is not present. A unit has complete kitchen facilities when it has all three of the following facilities: a sink with a faucet, a stove or range, and a refrigerator. All kitchen facilities must be located in the house, apartment, or mobile home, but they need not be in the same room. A housing unit having only a microwave or portable heating equipment such as a hot plate or camping stove should not be considered as having complete kitchen facilities. An icebox is not considered to be a refrigerator. Respondents are instructed to mark “Yes” if any household member has a working cell phone, smart phone, or any other type of phone device, or if the housing unit has a land line telephone in working order. Households whose service has been discontinued for nonpayment or other reasons are not counted as having telephone service available.
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Release date | January 1, 2020 |
Data last updated | November 26, 2024 |
Metadata last updated | November 26, 2024 |
Created | November 26, 2024 |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Census geo year code | 2020 |
Has views | True |
Id | 08b4e639-cb28-4e10-8cde-468e8fca9d09 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Package id | 7d0c13ca-54ab-418f-9fcf-db2ef6f3ec50 |
Point or polygon | polygon |
Position | 1 |
Release date | 2020-01-01 |
Resource year code | 2020 |
Size | 14.3 KiB |
State | active |
Terria catalogue | yes |
Url type | upload |