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On July 23, 2023 at 10:14:45 PM UTC, Gravatar jktittalom:
  • Updated description of resource PLACE OF BIRTH-DP02_PIN_T_20 in PLACE OF BIRTH - DP02_PIN_T from

    SELECTED SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN THE UNITED STATES PLACE OF BIRTH - DP02 Universe - Total population Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 People not reporting a place of birth were assigned the state or country of birth of another family member, or were allocated the response of another individual with similar characteristics. People born outside the United States were asked to report their place of birth according to current international boundaries. Since numerous changes in boundaries of foreign countries have occurred in the last century, some people may have reported their place of birth in terms of boundaries that existed at the time of their birth or emigration, or in accordance with their own national preference.
    SELECTED SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN THE UNITED STATES PLACE OF BIRTH - DP02 Universe - Total population Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 People not reporting a place of birth were assigned the state or country of birth of another family member, or were allocated the response of another individual with similar characteristics. People born outside the United States were asked to report their place of birth according to current international boundaries. Since numerous changes in boundaries of foreign countries have occurred in the last century, some people may have reported their place of birth in terms of boundaries that existed at the time of their birth or emigration, or in accordance with their own national preference.

  • Changed value of field point_or_polygon of resource PLACE OF BIRTH-DP02_PIN_T_20 to Polygon (previously polygon) in PLACE OF BIRTH - DP02_PIN_T

  • Changed value of field terria_catalogue of resource PLACE OF BIRTH-DP02_PIN_T_20 to Yes (previously yes) in PLACE OF BIRTH - DP02_PIN_T

  • Changed value of field release_date of resource PLACE OF BIRTH-DP02_PIN_T_20 to 2020-01-28 (previously 2020-01-01) in PLACE OF BIRTH - DP02_PIN_T