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On November 18, 2024 at 5:21:12 AM UTC, Gravatar jktittalom:
  • Updated description of YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT - DP04_MAN_P from

    SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT - DP04 Universe - Occupied housing units Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Years - 2020, 2021 These data refer to the year of the latest move by the householder. If the householder moved back into a housing unit he or she previously occupied, the year of the latest move was reported. If the householder moved from one apartment to another within the same building, the year the householder moved into the present apartment was reported. The intent is to establish the year the present occupancy by the householder began. The year that the householder moved in is not necessarily the same year other members of the household moved in, although in the great majority of cases an entire household moves at the same time.
    SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT - DP04 Universe - Occupied housing units Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Years - 2020, 2021, 2022 These data refer to the year of the latest move by the householder. If the householder moved back into a housing unit he or she previously occupied, the year of the latest move was reported. If the householder moved from one apartment to another within the same building, the year the householder moved into the present apartment was reported. The intent is to establish the year the present occupancy by the householder began. The year that the householder moved in is not necessarily the same year other members of the household moved in, although in the great majority of cases an entire household moves at the same time.

  • Changed value of field issued to 2023-03-17 in YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT - DP04_MAN_P