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On July 24, 2023 at 8:29:24 AM UTC, Gravatar jktittalom:
  • Updated description of resource YEAR OF ENTRY-DP02_PIN_ZIP_20 in YEAR OF ENTRY - DP02_PIN_ZIP from

    SELECTED SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN THE UNITED STATES YEAR OF ENTRY - DP02 Universe - Population born outside the United States Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 All respondents born outside the United States were asked for the year in which they came to live in the United States. This includes people born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Marianas, or the U.S. Virgin Islands; people born abroad of at least one U.S. citizen parent; and the foreign born. For the Puerto Rico Community Survey, respondents born outside Puerto Rico were asked for the year in which they came to live in Puerto Rico.
    SELECTED SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN THE UNITED STATES YEAR OF ENTRY - DP02 Universe - Population born outside the United States Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 All respondents born outside the United States were asked for the year in which they came to live in the United States. This includes people born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Marianas, or the U.S. Virgin Islands; people born abroad of at least one U.S. citizen parent; and the foreign born. For the Puerto Rico Community Survey, respondents born outside Puerto Rico were asked for the year in which they came to live in Puerto Rico.

  • Changed value of field point_or_polygon of resource YEAR OF ENTRY-DP02_PIN_ZIP_20 to Polygon (previously polygon) in YEAR OF ENTRY - DP02_PIN_ZIP

  • Changed value of field terria_catalogue of resource YEAR OF ENTRY-DP02_PIN_ZIP_20 to Yes (previously yes) in YEAR OF ENTRY - DP02_PIN_ZIP

  • Changed value of field release_date of resource YEAR OF ENTRY-DP02_PIN_ZIP_20 to 2020-02-16 (previously 2020-01-01) in YEAR OF ENTRY - DP02_PIN_ZIP