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On July 24, 2023 at 8:29:24 AM UTC, Gravatar jktittalom:
  • Updated description of resource YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT-DP04_PIN_ZIP_20 in YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - DP04_PIN_ZIP from

    SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - DP04 Universe - Total housing units Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 Year structure built refers to when the building was first constructed, not when it was remodeled, added to, or converted. Housing units under construction are included as vacant housing if they meet the housing unit definition, that is, all exterior windows, doors, and final usable floors are in place. For mobile homes, houseboats, RVs, etc., the manufacturer's model year was assumed to be the year built. The data relate to the number of units built during the specified periods that were still in existence at the time of interview.
    SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - DP04 Universe - Total housing units Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 Year structure built refers to when the building was first constructed, not when it was remodeled, added to, or converted. Housing units under construction are included as vacant housing if they meet the housing unit definition, that is, all exterior windows, doors, and final usable floors are in place. For mobile homes, houseboats, RVs, etc., the manufacturer's model year was assumed to be the year built. The data relate to the number of units built during the specified periods that were still in existence at the time of interview.its built during the specified periods that were still in existence at the time of interview.

  • Added field release_date with value 2020-02-17 to resource YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT-DP04_PIN_ZIP_20 in YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - DP04_PIN_ZIP

  • Changed value of field point_or_polygon of resource YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT-DP04_PIN_ZIP_20 to Polygon (previously polygon) in YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - DP04_PIN_ZIP

  • Changed value of field terria_catalogue of resource YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT-DP04_PIN_ZIP_20 to Yes (previously yes) in YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - DP04_PIN_ZIP