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On July 23, 2023 at 10:14:49 PM UTC, Gravatar jktittalom:
  • Updated description of resource VALUE-DP04_PIN_T_20 in VALUE - DP04_PIN_T from

    SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS VALUE - DP04 Universe -Owner-occupied units Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 The question was asked for housing units that were owned, being bought, vacant for sale, or sold but not occupied at the time of the survey. Value is the respondent's estimate of how much the property (house and lot, mobile home and lot (if lot owned), or condominium unit) would sell for if it were for sale. If the house was owned or being bought, but the land on which it sits was not, the respondent was asked to estimate the combined value of the house and the land. Owners of noncondominium multi-unit buildings who live in one of the building’s units, like duplexes and small apartment buildings, should report the value of the building, the land, and any additional buildings on the same plot of land. For vacant units, value was the price asked for the property. Value was tabulated separately for all owner-occupied and vacant-for-sale and sold, not occupied housing units, as well as owner-occupied mobile homes.
    SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS VALUE - DP04 Universe -Owner-occupied units Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 The question was asked for housing units that were owned, being bought, vacant for sale, or sold but not occupied at the time of the survey. Value is the respondent's estimate of how much the property (house and lot, mobile home and lot (if lot owned), or condominium unit) would sell for if it were for sale. If the house was owned or being bought, but the land on which it sits was not, the respondent was asked to estimate the combined value of the house and the land. Owners of noncondominium multi-unit buildings who live in one of the building’s units, like duplexes and small apartment buildings, should report the value of the building, the land, and any additional buildings on the same plot of land. For vacant units, value was the price asked for the property. Value was tabulated separately for all owner-occupied and vacant-for-sale and sold, not occupied housing units, as well as owner-occupied mobile homes.

  • Changed value of field terria_catalogue of resource VALUE-DP04_PIN_T_20 to Yes (previously yes) in VALUE - DP04_PIN_T

  • Changed value of field release_date of resource VALUE-DP04_PIN_T_20 to 2020-02-11 (previously 2020-01-01) in VALUE - DP04_PIN_T

  • Changed value of field point_or_polygon of resource VALUE-DP04_PIN_T_20 to Polygon (previously polygon) in VALUE - DP04_PIN_T