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On July 24, 2023 at 8:29:16 AM UTC, Gravatar jktittalom:
  • Updated description of resource UNITS IN STRUCTURE-DP04_PIN_ZIP_20 in UNITS IN STRUCTURE - DP04_PIN_ZIP from

    SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS UNITS IN STRUCTURE - DP04 Universe -Total housing units Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 A structure is a separate building that either has open spaces on all sides or is separated from other structures by dividing walls that extend from ground to roof. In determining the number of units in a structure, all housing units, both occupied and vacant, are counted. Stores and office space are excluded. The data are presented for the number of housing units in structures of specified type and size, not for the number of residential buildings.
    SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS UNITS IN STRUCTURE - DP04 Universe -Total housing units Survey-Program - American Community Survey 5-year estimates Year - 2020 A structure is a separate building that either has open spaces on all sides or is separated from other structures by dividing walls that extend from ground to roof. In determining the number of units in a structure, all housing units, both occupied and vacant, are counted. Stores and office space are excluded. The data are presented for the number of housing units in structures of specified type and size, not for the number of residential buildings.

  • Added field release_date with value 2020-02-09 to resource UNITS IN STRUCTURE-DP04_PIN_ZIP_20 in UNITS IN STRUCTURE - DP04_PIN_ZIP

  • Changed value of field point_or_polygon of resource UNITS IN STRUCTURE-DP04_PIN_ZIP_20 to Polygon (previously polygon) in UNITS IN STRUCTURE - DP04_PIN_ZIP

  • Changed value of field terria_catalogue of resource UNITS IN STRUCTURE-DP04_PIN_ZIP_20 to Yes (previously yes) in UNITS IN STRUCTURE - DP04_PIN_ZIP